Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Layout of the Day

Yupieee, Yupieee, I couldn´t believe my eyes as I did my daily blog checking, that one of my LO was picked LO of the day at Melissa G wonderfull site, I´m so gratefull for her comments, being so new at digital scrapping, I feel so honored!!!! Even as I write this, I smiling a huge smile... I´m so happy!!!!
The LO picked was the one I made for Andres first day of Pre-School, Here it is at Melissa´s Site: http://melissag.typepad.com/digi_pick_of_the_day/2006/10/digi_pick_10240.html please tell me what you think, leave just a little comment!!! I´m so happy, this just makes want to scrap even more.
Thanks again Melissa!!!

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